Wednesday 18 January 2017

Work for Thursday 19th January

Hello lovely year 9s!

1. We will be reviewing past tenses in English: both the formation of the tenses (including irregulars!) and their uses.

In preparation for this, please look at the following website about the three main past tenses in English:

2. The following links has loads of exercises which can be used for practise. Please complete at least any three on past tenses. You should copy and paste your answers into a word document. I will want to see evidence of this in our next lesson. The more of these you do, the better your grammar will be!

EXTRA: The Prime minister of the UK made quite an important speech on Tuesday... 
Have a look at these articles (and any others you might find!) and see what different people think of her plans.

I would love to hear your thoughts about this and remember, the more you read, the better your English will become!

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