Friday 24 February 2017

9B - First half of class - Phrases for oral

1.From my point of view / From my perspective
2.I´m with you
3.I can see your point of view, BUT
4.I see where you´re coming from, HOWEVER
5.Shall we move onto..
6.Shall we skip this one
7.Let´s compare X with Y
8.Personally, I
9.In my view,
10.We seem to be running out of time, so we should get to/ decide on a conclusion
11.Could you explain again/ repeat what you´ve just said

12.I´m really sorry, I didn´t catch that

Monday 20 February 2017

Stone Cold 56 to 66

Individual reading page 56 to 66 to
´…his mum would be proud of him

True or False. Copy a quote that justifies your answer.

1)Shelter has murdered 3 people.
2)It was a nice day when Shelter picked up his 3rd recruit.
3)His 3rd recruit hasn’t been sleeping rough for long.
4)There is a hostel for homeless people.
5)The third recruit loves the army.
6)Shelter is angry that the third recruit hates the army. - PEE

7)The third recruit liked the cat, Sappho. - PEE

9C - GERMAN - Good phrases for our Speaking Exam

1.I think this is a good option to start with
2.I like your opinion
3.I can see where you are coming from
4.I don´t agree 100% with what you are saying
5. I understand but I don´t feel the same
6. OK, let´s skip that one..
7. In my view,
8. To recap/ In summary
9. I think that this option could be the most suitable

10. Could you repeat that, I didn´t quite understand you.

Friday 17 February 2017

9B Part 2 useful phrases

1.To my way of thinking
2.I think we will have to agree to disagree
3.As far as I am concerned
4.I see where you´re coming from, but
5.I really cannot stand
6.Let´s compare X to Y
7.I am seeing eye-to-eye with you
8.We seem to be runnning out time, let´s talk about X
9.Shall we finish on this one?
10.If you want my honest opinion,

11.I hadn´t thought of that

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Stone Cold Writing exam: The essential information - Crit C and D

For more informal language, there is a blogpost down below with some examples of informal words you could include.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

One last example...

This advert is about signing up for an organization that helps people with heart diseases. Either raising up money for them or making the public concern about it. This organization is called British Heart Foundation. In the advert appear a series of people in funny costumes and making the colour red dominant.

This advert was produced by a british heart foundation to raise awareness of one of British main causes of death; heart diseases.

The advert’s target audiences are people who know someone that has suffered a heart disease, children, adults, and elderly people. I know this because a range of different ages is shown in it..
Heart disease normally appear on elderly people. However, as said different people at different age ranges appear to make the target audience even bigger.

There were many techniques that I thought that made the advert effective, such as the background music, which was very happy as well as the people, bringing attention to the commercial. Also the colour red represents the blood and the heart normally, so health in general. The beginning should be the most impacting part, and they used a man and a little girl, making the target audience bigger and the man was saying that he had had 2 heart operations in 2 years, so this really brings attention to the viewers. The producers of the advert used a whole range of people with different ages, religions and races. There were many people doing unusual things in this commercial that brought attention to amny viewers as well, such as people dressed in tomatoes, or red dinosaurs or red astronauts in supermarkets that made the viewer stay to the very end of the commercial to know what the advert is raising awareness to.

In my opinion this advert is not effective since the purpose of it is not shown. Other problem of it is that the charity advertised cannot be recognized from the advertisement. Although in general it is not good publicity, there are some good parts of it which are noticeable: in my opinion the most effective part of it was when the man and his daughter were painting their faces of red because it makes you feel like it is very fun and it invites people of different ages to participate on it.

Now, decide what went well (WWW) and what they could do to make it even better (EBI):
Read through the checklist and see what they have included, and what they need to do to make it even better.

For example:

www: The advert has been described effectively and the purpose has been described, with evidence taken from the video.

ebi: The explanation of techniques needs to include quotes from the video.
Their opinion is stated but the person needs to pick a favourite part from the video and explain its effectiveness.

Have they accurately described what the advert/ documentary is about?
How accurate is their English?

Who made it and why? (Target audience)
How do you know?
Have they included evidence from the video?

Have they mentioned technical and emotional techniques and how they are used?
Have they picked out a concrete example from the video?
Have they explained the  intended effect on the viewer and why it has been chosen?

Have they said if they think the advert is effetive or not? Have they justified their opinion?
Have they included what their favourite part of the advert is? Have they explained why this is the case?