Friday 28 April 2017


Hi all,

1. We will have a listening exam in your first week back. Check your calendars to see the date. We will practise when we are back but you should do some preparation over the break by watching some videos / listening to podcasts / listening to radio programmes.

2. For anyone who has not completed the Book Review 33% Crit C and D exam, this will also be done in your first week back in the AUXILIARY lesson with Mr Kelly. (9B= Tuesday, 9C = Thursday)

4. PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN IN GERMANY. You need to have read Millions to the end of chapter 3. This will not take too long, but you will fall behind if this is not done before we come back. Quizlet lists for these chapters have been saved in the class folder on Quizlet as well as links on the blog.

Any doubts, let me know.

Have a lovely Feria week :)

Thursday 20 April 2017

Features of a book review

Criterion C:
-          The author, the title and the date published
-          The story (but without giving too much away!) – around five points about what happens and what a reader could expect.
-          The characters
-          Highlights
-          Any weak bits
-          Your view – was it unputdownable?

Criterion D:
-          Your use of grammar
-          Use of impressive words and phrases you have picked out from the reviews on the websites (ensure that you do not use just your usual bank of vocabulary)

-          EXTRA: Use of some of the phrasal verbs with take 

     250 - 300 words

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Writing a Book Review

Spend twenty minutes reading through some of the book reviews on the following websites. Copy and paste at least fifteen phrases that you like and could potentially use in your own book review.

Monday 17 April 2017

Millions Lesson 1

“It’s true that you can’t buy love or happiness with money, but it is interesting to see what you can buy.”
When a bag stuffed full of ten pound notes comes hurtling out of the sky and lands at Damian’s feet, he doesn’t realise at first how hard it will be to spend it all. And he has to spend it quickly because in seventeen days’ time the Euro will be introduced and it will all be worthless. Damian wants to use the money to do good deeds, but his brother Anthony, with his eye for an investment, had other ideas..

They can buy anything at all – apart from the one thing they really want.

Quizlet list for Chapter 1:

DESDOBLE: Brexit - An exciting opportunity or a disaster for the UK?

Read the following articles on Brexit and Britain´s decision to leave the European Union;

From each article, look up at least five words and define them in a word document. I will ask to hear about some of them later.

Make notes on and be ready to answer the following questions:

1. Identify five advantages to Brexit.
2. Identify five drawbacks to Brexit.
3. What reasons were given by people for voting for Brexit.
4. What are the benefits of the European Union to you and Spain?

Sunday 16 April 2017

Phrasal verbs Lesson #1 - TAKE

Tasks for today:

1. Read through the information below on phrasal verbs that use ´take´

2. Revise and learn their meanings and uses in context. You will need to produce something as part of your revision, such as making notes, producing a quizlet list, or designing a powerpoint with a slide on each one. I will want to see evidence of one of these. 

3. Complete the exercises at the bottom of this blog post. Copy and paste these into a word document for your records. You will need them because...

We will have a test on the uses of these phrasal verbs. The format of the test will be similar to the exercises at the bottom of the page.
 The verbs could be taken from the list below OR any other phrasal verbs that are seen in the exercises, so it is important that you are familiar with all of them!

You will be given a formative mark on the campus for this test.

Below we have a list of Phrasal verbs that begin with TAKE and then an explanation of each one with some examples.
  • Take after (somebody)
  • Take apart
  • Take back
  • Take down
  • Take in
  • Take off
  • Take on
  • Take out
  • Take over
  • Take up
This is not a complete list. 

Take after (somebody)

(to resemble somebody else, usually a family member)
  • Mark is so hot-headed. He takes after his father.

Take apart

(to disassemble something)
  • He took his laptop apart to see if he could fix its problem.

Take back

(to admit wrongdoing)
  • You're right - I take back what I said, it was totally inappropriate.

Take down

(to dismantle)
  • It's time to take down the Christmas tree until next year.

Take (somebody) in

(to allow someone to stay in your house)
  • They took in the refugees while they found a more permanent place to stay.
(to be deceived or swindled)
  • She was taken in by all his lies.

Take (something) in

(to observe something)
  • They took in every detail to tell their friends about it later.
(to make a piece of clothing narrower or tighter)
  • She had lost weight so the dress had to be taken in more at the waist.

Take off

(to leave the ground and fly)
  • The plane was able to take off once the runway was clear.
  • When does the plane take off?
(to become popular or successful)
  • That new song by Samantha Star has really taken off in the charts.
(to leave a place quickly - colloquial)
  • Sorry, but I have to take off now since my partner is waiting for me at the restaurant.

Take on

(to hire/employ)
  • The department store took on more staff over the busy Christmas period.

Take out

(to remove)
  • The robber took out his gun and shot the guard in the bank.
  • He took the onion out of the sandwich because he doesn't like it.
(to go on a date with someone)
  • Where is he taking you out? - We're going to that new restaurant on Woodward street.

Take over

(to take control of something)
  • Fabio Capello has taken over as the new manager of the football team.

Take up

(to begin a sport, hobby or a challenge)
  • He took up karate at a young age and is now an expert.
(to fill space)
  • That sofa takes up a lot of space in the living room.

Exercises on phrasal verbs with take

Sunday 2 April 2017


MILLIONS  by Frank Cottrell Boyce

- Available in papeleria and Amazon

.You need it for AFTER SEMANA SANTA
Book checks will be done in our FIRST LESSON BACK