Sunday 11 December 2016

Stone Cold Vocabulary up to page 27

will tell you when you can play the games

Useful Sentence openers for when we PEE


I think that...

I believe that....

It seems that...

It appears that...


I think / know this because...

This is shown when...

This is highlighted in the text when it is stated that...

An example of this is...

The writer says...

On page ____, Sachar writes...


This use of...

The word .... shows/ demonstrates / indicates...

This suggests that...

This could mean...

This shows that...

This makes it clear that...

From this we can tell...

This suggests...

This reveals that...

This implies that...

This gives the impression that...

This gives the idea that...

This example highlights...

This emphasises...

This could mean... or perhaps it suggests that...

Sunday 4 December 2016

DESDOBLE: Talking about Christmas

1. Read the article and make a list of which traditions are British and which are American.

2. Here is another article on the 'most bizarre Christmas traditions from around the world' :

Do you think they are all bizarre? 

Can you think of any similar ones in Spain?
Which is your favourite and why? 

Be ready to discuss with the rest of the class!

3. In pairs:

Rank them in order of best and worst (think about all aspects: enjoyment, suitability, value for money). Be ready to defend your choices to the rest of the class. (like we were debating again!)

Thursday 1 December 2016

Diary entry as Link - 200 words minimum - For WEDNESDAY 7TH DECEMBER

}Imagine you are Link. Write a diary entry that explains your reasons for leaving home and describing how you feel about everything that has happened to you so far.
}You could  include the following:
}an explanation for your decision to leave home.
}how you have felt since Vince arrived.
}why you dislike Vince so much.
}how you were made to feel on Boxing day at Carol’s house.
}what life is like now that you are homeless.

}why you feel that you cannot return home.