Wednesday 26 October 2016

Stone Cold Lesson 1

Quizlet list here:

Stone Cold Lesson 1

After reading the opening together, prepare answers to the following questions:

}Who is telling the story?
}What do we learn about this person?
}What clues do we get about what the rest of the story is going to be about?

}How does the writer set the scene for what is to follow?

Monday 24 October 2016

Homelessness - two perspectives

1. Read the following two articles (Use Lingro, see top of blog, to help you if you need it).

2. Make a vocabulary list of words from the article that you do not know or that are useful for the topic of homelessness. Copy the words and define them in your own words in a sentence.
Minimum: 10 words

3. Summarise the articles in a paragraph. What are they about? What are the key points to remember? Minimum: 65 words per paragraph

Guardian: Homelessness Crisis in England - a perfect storm

How I became homeless. ´If you think it can´t happen to you, think again´

Friday 14 October 2016

Work for Monday and Wednesday

DESDOBLE LESSON 9C - Monday 17th October

Complete pages 10-11 in Cambridge Objective First Student´s book.

Also complete pages 4-5 of Cambridge Objective First Workbook


1. Complete pages 28-29 of Student´s book. - This needs to be finished and I will check it in our next lesson.

Extension: If you finish, please have a look at pages 30-31 of the Student´s book and attempt exercises 1-7. This does not have to be finished. Just do as much as you can.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Groupwork: Creating a computer game

The game must be appropriate for upper primary school children as well as older players.
Consider and describe:
žWhat’s it called?
žWhere is it set?
žHow do you play?
žWho are the characters?
žWhat are the rules?

žWhy is it a good game?

You need to come up with:

ž200 word description

(Use the examples we looked at on page 16-17 of your book to help you)

Everyone must participate
žCommunicate in English
žOnly speak with people in your group
žPrepare to present your idea in our next lesson !on

Monday 3 October 2016

Persuasive Language Devices

Statistics/ Facts
Rhetorical questions
Emotive language
Second person pronouns

The rule of three

PHRASAL VERBS - Quizlet List here 

1. Spend 20 minutes completing the activities on Quizlet.

2. You will need to successfully use these phrasal verbs in your exam to get the highest marks.

3. Do the study and learn sections BEFORE you play the games. I will announce when you can play the games.